1. What is a pet peeve you have when vacationing?
No planning ahead other than research, no reservations except for lodging, no timetables, alarm clocks or scheduling unless for a baby or dog sitter.
2. Would you describe yourself as a light packer or do you need everything in your closet plus the kitchen sink?
Definitely fall in the light compact mode. Mix and match is a high priority within a three outfit capacity for weekend stays. Jewelry limited to a single set that wears well with all and always travel size toiletries.
3. What is the best lesson a child ever taught you?
Never doubt that the time and attention you give a child either in learning or play is meaningful to that child. I tutored a young lady over a thirteen week period and on the last day of tutoring she cried rather than reflect on her genuine success in learning. When I asked her if her crying was actually joy, she said it was the absence of our time together that saddened her.
4. Share one piece of advice you'd give to a recent graduate as they attempt to enter the job market.
Start small, build around that experience with service and community work so that when a greater opportunity arrives your well-rounded approach does not go unnoticed.
5. What is your favorite lemon something?
I love candied lemon peels for snacking, lemon pie for dessert, and lemonade all summer long.
6. Flat sandal, wedge, heel....what's your favorite footwear?
I'll opt for the flip flop in my casual life, wedge in my professional life and heel when extending the leg required.
7. What do you like best about a beach holiday?
Fresh seafood every day, several times a day.
8. (Random thought for the week) Evolving a typically genuine good trait one possesses over a lifetime. In a political arena not so much.